(Below) Win, Kristy and Jimmy
The Travels of John and Rocky Continue...
(Below) Win, Kristy and Jimmy
11 September, 2005 to Unknown. Well, here we are, back at Cortez Cove Marina. Now we've got our 27 foot Bayliner Buccaneer sailboat in a slip with power (AND AIR CONDITIONING), our 38 foot Pearson Alberg Invicta II sailboat in the yard, and a huge semi trailer box for storage. Many of the same people are here from before but the Seahorse Bar and Grill is now Pelican Pete's. I haven't been in there yet and and have little desire to go there. The Seahorse was great because of the owners but they're gone. We've been working on the new boat here as well as preparing Buccaneer so we can sell it. Our friend, Joe, from Davis Island comes down on Tuesdays to hang out and help us work on the boat. He works with his dad in Bradenton (nearby) on Tuesdays so he's already in town for the visit. He was able to do some surfing as Hurricane Rita passed offshore, despite his neck and back injuries.
Arno, who runs the marina, is currently building a new dock so he can haul boats in and out of the water. It's supposed to be done by November, 15. We still see manatees here and some dolphins have wandred in. On Tuesdays, we have pot luck parties on the big dock. The dock was built for a Denzel Washington movie called "Out of Time" (I believe that's the title). The parties have been great with awesome food. I even secured a load of blue crabs the other day from The Tow Boat U.S. guy here (Finny). He brought the catch in too late for market so he offered them to me. I gladly accepted and brought them out to the dock. Virgil was having a birthday party for one of his friends that night. Win and Christi did most of the cooking work but I ran acros the marina ten times, taking out the garbage, securing cooking pots, propane, and paper towels and running messages. I enjoyed helping out with the party and even cleaned up the whole dock afterwards. Michael, Natalie and Roxanne were mandatorily evacuated from Hutchinson Island in Ft. Pierce for Hurricane Rita so we got two hotel rooms in Tampa and stayed there as the hurricane blazed through South Florida.