The Travels of John and Rocky Continue...
15 June, 2006. Michael Hunt stayed on the boat for a few months before moving up to Chicago. He had the pleasure of riding out Tropical Storm Alberto for 36 hours with Rocky. I stayed at Gail's house. It appeared that we were in for a brutal hurricane season since Alberto was the first named storm of the season and it piled up several boats in the basin. It just barely reached hurricane status (for less than a day) before being downgraded back to tropical storm status. I was telling everyone that this was going to a very calm hurricane season and I was right. After Alberto, the season was pretty much over.
13 June, 2006. During the storm, a twin engine plane came barreling into the Peter O' Knight Airport at about 90 mph and crashed into a house that belonged to the owners of Tate Brothers Pizza on Davis Island. I talked the FAA about 5 hours after the crash as an eye witness and apparently, I was the first person to shed light on the fact that one of the engines was out and the landing gear was not down. The news was even reporting that it skidded off the runway. It may have touched the very end of the runway but this plane came in fast and crashed hard.