We arrived at The El Cortez Hotel and Casino in Old Downtown Las Vegas on Sunday. Six nights there cost $120 total- that’s with tax and an upgrade to a tower room! The El Cortez just underwent a billion dollar upgrade and we were very satisfied with the room for the money. I got to know the drink girls very quickly while I pulled away at the penny slots.
On Tuesday, we went to see Penn and Teller at The Rio. We decided to do the crab leg buffet before the show but we didn’t realize that we would be in line for an hour and twenty minutes. By the time we got seated, we only had about ten minutes to scarf down a dozen or two crab legs. We were ten minutes late to the show and since we had third row seats, our arrival didn’t go unnoticed by
On Thursday, we went to see “V” The Ultimate Variety Show at Planet Hollywood. I got dragged onto the stage with three other guys and two, yes two thick rubber masks were pulled over my head. Claustrophobia hit me hard but that was just the beginning. The performer began pulling strings at the back of the outer mask which moved a pair of lips up and down as I waved my index fingers like the conductor of an orchestra. I thought I was going to suffocate. There was little relief when the outer mask was removed because that’s when balloons were shoved into our mouths. The first of us to blow up three balloons, sitting on and breaking them one by one, would be declared the winner. I came in last. But it all worked out because I got tickets to a Motown Show. The Motown show had the week off so I was able to trade the tickets for $150 off The BeatleShow Tribute we had planned for Sunday.
Robbie Sanders flew in on Friday, August 6 and we picked him up at the airport. He checked into The Sahara Hotel and Casino. We spent one more night at The El Cortez before moving to The Sahara.
When we checked into The Sahara on Saturday, we realized very quickly that it was a hole. One of the parking garage elevators was broken (for the duration of our stay and I’m sure a lot longer) and the elevator that barely worked was among the slowest, dirtiest and tore up that I’d ever been in. There was this thick black smoke cloud of death that emanated from a huge vent that exhaled directly onto the walkway leading to and from the parking garage. When we saw it, it was clear that anyone on the walkway during the venting was in serious danger of choking. The main lobby carpet was filthy and the nearby bathroom stunk. Even the drinking fountain there was out of order. And this is all in the first few minutes after arriving! We booked the final leg of our stay there because this is where Elvis and The Beatles stayed. Never again.
On Sunday, Rocky, Robbie and I did the lobster buffet at the
On Wednesday, we drove Robbie to the airport and then headed back toward Hoover Dam. We were pretty tired from all the activity so we got a motel after only two hours on the road. We drove all the way back to truth or Consequences, NM the next day. The