Tuesday, December 21, 2004


21 December, 2004. Arrived here 8:00 am. The current was strong as we came in to dock. We decided that the outermost dock was the most easily accessible and that was okay with the marina. We found out later that the slip next to us was occupied- by a sailboat sitting on the bottom. At low tide, its fenders (buoys) would breach the surface and spin around in the strong current. I hitchhiked into town to get some food and supplies. On the way back, some woman picked me up, thinking I was one of the boys she just dropped off at the high school for wrestling practice because I had pulled off my layers of sweaters, down to what Rocky and I call "the bunny suit" (a red one-piece pajama-type underlayer). Apparently, it looked like the boys' wresting uniforms. I got another ride into town later for some propane, which I couldn't find earlier. It was nice to have electricity and get some laundry done. It was also nice to have a few beers, which we couldn't afford for several days. The people there were great. They had a private Christmas party for some locals and I wanted to crash it so bad!

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